19 March 2013

The Milwaukee domes.

A few weekends ago, I got to take some kids from work on an outing to the Milwaukee domes. I had never been before, but always heard good things.

Parking was an absolute nightmare. I'm not sure if it is always that way or was just because we came during Germanfest. After circling the lots like a hawk for twenty minutes we were finally able to ins a spot ( thanks to our handy handicapped tag !).
We were immediately greeted by German song and dance in the lobby area. We zigzagged our way to the first dome, the rainforest dome. What a treat in the middle of winter. Upon walking in the humidity warms you. You can take off your jacket and imagine walking through a rainforest somewhere. It was the closest thing I've felt to paradise lately. I'm not sure why I only took one picture of that dome. Maybe the kids were acting up. I cannot remember.

The second dome was a desert scene. I took the most pictures here. The cacti and plants were just so exotic to me on that day. I couldn't resist. The kids enjoyed touching the plants that were safe to touch and we heard nothing but giggles.

The third dome is a seasonal type dome that was filled with the Germanfest activities. In the center of the dome was a giant train set. I have to admit the detail was quite impressive. We spent a long time watching the train lazily make its rounds.

All in all it was a great day. A fantastic way to beat the winter blues and experience something new.

29 February 2012

New Year's resolution: failed.

Part of my New Year's resolution was to keep up with this blog and since I'm pretty sure I haven't written anything since that post, I call that resolution failed.

Now I resolve to try harder, to write about anything and everything.

So, onto another resolution, the same one that eight million Americans make every New Year... to lose weight. Luckily my work was about to start a Biggest Loser competition. I enrolled quickly, excited to have motivation and support from the people I spend every day with. Honestly, I suck. I'm in 6th place out of 12 but have probably only lost 7 pounds so far. Maybe it's because I have relied on diet changes only instead of exercise. So, it's time to step up my game because there is $250 at stake! Oh, and if I win... I promised myself a trip to Noah's Ark.

Wish me luck, I'll need it.

01 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Okay, I realize I have been completely neglectful of this blog... that brings me to ...

Resolution one: Keep up with your blog, leane!

  Resolution two: Either use or cancel your gym membership. Paying every month for a service you don't use is stupid, and doesn't keep you in shape. Suck it up and GO.

Resolution three: Find a hobby. I've been debating getting into crafts, but at this point anything will do.

Resolution four: STOP procrastinating. It was fine in college, but you're old enough now to know better.

This will be a good year. I'm sure I could rattle off resolutions all day, most of which will never stand a chance of coming to fruition... However this entry will be short- my Green Bay Packers are on and I'm completely distracted. Just wanted to wish everyone the safest, happiest, most prosperous year ever. <3

01 November 2011

Introducing boo!

A few weeks ago we made a journey to a local farm that provides Halloween themed activities for children. Pumpkins, corn mazes, slides, games, and of course...a petting zoo! We spent forever feeding the baby goats until we saw something in the corner...baby bunnies! Steve must have noticed that I fell in love because he swiftly asked if I wanted one. Of course I said yes! A few weeks later we got the call that baby bunny was ready for pick up. Steve is currently working on building it a cage which I refer to as boo's dream house. Boo will love it once its done. So blogland, please meet boo radley ( to kill a mockingbird anyone? ) .

24 August 2011

Life at a million miles an hour.

Change. I cringe when I hear that word. I understand change can be a good thing. In my experience change doesn't end well for me. However, sitting here now I find myself in a new apartment with a (somewhat) new boyfriend on the cusp of getting a new job (fingers crossed!). The majority of the changes have blindsided me within the last week. It's like a life makeover! Does anyone else completely shake things up once in a while too?
I attached a few pics of the new digs, or at least I think I did. With the lack ot internet around here I'm attempting to blog via Blogger app.

20 July 2011

The dog days of summer

 I turned 25 yesterday! My life is not at all what I imagined it would be like at this point in time, but that is the beauty of life. It's unpredictable and messy and almost never goes according to plan. I spent half of the day at work, where I came in to balloons and decorations from my lovely coworkers. Right after work Jewels and Alex came over to enjoy my pool and a cookout with me.  But they were not my only vistors! My brother and his dog, Bella came to visit me as well! ( Still waiting on my new camera, so phone pics it is!)

I must say, she is a really good swimmer. But she needs to learn to stop drinking the cholorinated water.  I'm about to head into the pool myself now.. and potentially the lake this evening after work.  We must find some way to beat these dog days of summer where the temperature feels like over 100 degrees! Pools and popsicles are all we know. What do you do to beat the heat?

(On a side note, ever wonder where that phrase "dog days of summer" comes from? Me too. Here's the wiki:
"Dog Days" (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September. In the southern hemisphere they are usually between January and early March. The actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.)

Stay cool to all the Midwesterners battling this heat. Remember to enjoy it. Winter is a-coming!

14 July 2011

it's the little things.

We had gone to the zoo last weekend with the hopes of feeding the goats. However, by the time we arrived in the children's area, the goats were no longer being fed! Jewels and I felt terrible because Alex had been chanting about feeding the goats for hours. So yesterday we took advantage of the wonderful summer weather and whisked Alex away from daycare to go feed some animals. Located off of I94 right behind a gas station is the Concord zoo, full of :peacocks, calves, goats,donkeys, mini horses, pot bellied pigs, and alpacas.  For .25 you get a handfull of feed, and several squeals of delight. I'm not sure who was more excited, Alex or me.  I'm currently between cameras(hint boyfriend, birthday is coming!), but I snapped a few pictures on my cell phone. It's not much, but we definitely enjoyed the simple things today.